Liquor Laboratory

Coquito vs Eggnog: Festive Showdown of Holiday Drinks

Coquito vs Eggnog

Last Updated on June 12, 2024 by Lydia Martin

As the holiday season approaches, you’re probably thinking about the perfect festive drink to make the season more joyful. While Eggnog reigns as the classic Christmas beverage, a tropical contender is stealing the spotlight – Coquito.

With its creamy coconut charm, Puerto Rican Coquito provides a delightful alternative. But how does it really stack up against the traditional Eggnog drink?

So, I did a detailed Coquito vs Eggnog comparison, exploring their unique qualities and differences to determine which can elevate holiday celebrations with a sip of something extraordinary!

Eggnog & Coquito Quick Comparison

Bottle of Coquito and a Glass

Coquito, a creamy Puerto Rican drink, and Eggnog, a classic holiday favorite, each deliver a unique twist to any holiday party.

Coquito, often called Puerto Rican Eggnog (or the Puerto Rican version), is a tropical drink brimming with coconut milk, rum, and warming spices.

I find Coquito recipes lighter, with a distinct coconut flavor, a hint of rum, and a smooth, velvety texture, a perfect pairing with food dishes like Chai Crème Brûlée and cinnamon cookies.

“Holiday spirits rise with every glass of Coquito and Eggnog, festive favorites for merry moments.” – Liquor Laboratory

On the other hand, traditional Eggnog, with its roots in medieval Britain, is a dairy-based drink with a rich blend of raw eggs, milk or cream, sugar, and spices.

Spiked Eggnog usually contains liquor, mostly bourbon or rum. Eggnog recipes are thicker and creamier, with a custard-like flavor and distinct eggy richness.

It is perfect alongside meals like tapioca, cornbread, and pecan pie, among others.

Eggnog vs Coquito Comparison Table

OriginPuerto RicoMedieval Britain
BaseCoconut milkMilk or cream and eggs
FlavoringsCinnamon and vanilla extractGround nutmeg, cinnamon stick
TextureLight and creamyThick and custard-like
AlcoholRum (optional)Bourbon, rum, or brandy
Cultural UseChristmas and New YearChristmas and winter
AvailabilitySeasonal (tropical regions)Seasonal (globally)
Star Rating5/54/5

Key Differences


Coquito’s history is intertwined with the tropical climate and culture of Puerto Rico, gaining popularity as a holiday staple in Caribbean homes, especially for Spanish and Puerto Ricans.

As you may know, Coquito means “little coconut” in Spanish.

Eggnog, however, has its roots in medieval Europe, where it was a symbol of wealth and prosperity, later becoming a holiday tradition in the Americas.

Ease Of Preparation

A Coquito beverage is relatively more straightforward to prepare, with no cooking required – just blend and chill.

On the other hand, Eggnog often involves a more meticulous process, where you must cook the egg whites and yolks alongside other ingredients. Cooking is needed to ensure the right consistency.

Recipe Twists

Coquito allows for more tropical twists, like adding different rums or even coconut cream.

Aside from that, it can be flavored with other ingredients like fruit or chocolate, making it seem like a boozy Horchata, a drink made with rice and nuts.

Eggnog recipes vary in terms of the type of alcohol and spices used, and some modern versions even omit eggs for a lighter texture.


Two Glasses of Coquito

Egg vs Coconut Milk

The main distinction between these two drinks lies in their base: Coquito uses milk (coconut) for its tropical flavor, while Eggnog is based on eggs, providing a decadent drinking experience with a custard-like taste.

Types Of Milk

A Coquito recipe traditionally involves evaporated milk and sweetened condensed milk along with coconut milk, while Eggnog relies on whole milk or cream.

Sugar Content

Both drinks are sweet and perfect for the holidays, but Coquito’s mix with condensed milk often makes it sweeter than an Eggnog recipe typically sweetened with sugar.

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For an extra flavor, Coquito usually incorporates ground cinnamon (or cinnamon stick) and vanilla, whereas Eggnog typically uses nutmeg, sometimes complemented by cinnamon.

Mind you – there are many variations of Nog, so the combination of spices may vary, as well as the ingredients.


Coquito is typically made with rum (e.g., Jamaican rum), reflecting its Caribbean origin [1]. Conversely, Eggnog drinks can be made with bourbon, brandy, or rum, suggesting a more comprehensive range of taste profiles.

Temperature & Acid

Coquito is always served cold (chilled in the fridge for at least four hours or overnight), while Eggnog [2] can be enjoyed both cold (stored in the fridge) and warm.

“Coquito was an instant ice breaker. I made multiple friends that day, and I was walking into the party with this thing that was really special to me.” – Alejandra Ramos, Television Presenter

Eggnog’s use of egg also introduces a slight acidity not present in a Coquito recipe.

Do They Have Similarities?

Eggnog on a Glass with Cinnamon Powder on Top

Coquito and Eggnog share a similarity; both are creamy, sweet, and spiced, embodying the spirit of the holiday season. Each recipe is festive, comforting, and perfect for sipping around the fireplace.

They both use milk; however, the type of milk differs since Coquito drinks combine condensed milk, evaporated milk, and coconut milk, while Eggnog uses milk or cream.

Additionally, these drinks have added flavors from cinnamon, nutmeg, and vanilla, often mixed with booze, mainly rum.

FAQs Related to Coquito vs Eggnog

What is the difference between coquito and eggnog?

Coquito and eggnog are both creamy, spiced beverages traditionally enjoyed during the holidays, but they have distinct differences. Coquito is a Puerto Rican holiday drink made with coconut milk, condensed milk, rum, and spices, while eggnog is a Western beverage made with milk, eggs, sugar, and often spiked with spirits like brandy, rum, or whiskey.

How do the flavor profiles of coquito and eggnog differ?

Coquito has a rich coconut flavor with hints of cinnamon, vanilla, and nutmeg, while eggnog has a creamy, eggy flavor with warming spices like nutmeg and cinnamon, along with the added richness of alcohol.

Which one is creamier, coquito or eggnog?

Coquito tends to be creamier due to its base of coconut milk and condensed milk, which give it a thicker consistency compared to eggnog, which is made with dairy milk and eggs.

Are there cultural or regional differences in the consumption of coquito and eggnog?

Yes, coquito is deeply rooted in Puerto Rican culture and is traditionally enjoyed during the Christmas season and other special occasions, while eggnog is more commonly associated with Western holiday traditions.

Can coquito and eggnog be made non-alcoholic?

Yes, both coquito and eggnog can be made without alcohol by simply omitting the spirits from the recipes. Non-alcoholic versions can be enjoyed by individuals who prefer not to consume alcohol or by those who want to share the beverages with children.

Can coquito and eggnog be served hot or cold?

While eggnog is typically served cold, coquito can be enjoyed either cold or slightly chilled. Some variations of eggnog can also be served warm, especially when spiked with hot alcohol.

Final Thoughts

After my detailed comparison, I’d lean towards Coquito if I had to choose one. Its unique coconut flavor, ease of preparation, and tropical twist give it a slight edge over the traditional Nog.

Whether lounging on a beach or cuddling up in a snow-laden cabin, Coquito will surely bring a touch of Puerto Rican sunshine during the holidays, making it a gift in a glass!


  1. Coquito is the creamy, tropical drink that’s better than eggnog — and easier to make
  2. How To Spike Store-Bought Eggnog
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